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Coaches Rock Ringette - Trying to Stay Normal in Very Unusual Times

Writer's picture: Regina RingetteRegina Ringette

For as long as anyone can remember sports teams got photos together.

It’s usually always done before the start or at the end of a practice, takes only a few minutes and is a great memento that hangs on the wall of your parent’s rec room for years and years to come.

But even taking a team picture is problematic during a global pandemic.

Squeezing a team of players closely together and then getting a professional photographer to come into an indoor space to take the picture isn’t allowed within the current COVID guidelines.

Rick Green, head coach of the U12B Yeti, found a creative way for his team to get their team photo completed.

The U12B Yeti pose for an outdoor team photograph.

“After discussion with our photographer Keith Hershmiller, we decided that after our practice at the Jack Hamilton we would look for a location in AE Wilson Park,” Green explained. “We wanted to find somewhere that we could social distance and also still have the fun experience of a team picture – these are memories that not only the parents, but also the athletes will remember well into the future.”

The team settled on a picture where players spread out over the rise of the large hill in the park next to the play structure at Rick Hansen park.

While it’s not the traditional on-ice picture, it’s something different that players will be able to associate for years to come as the strange picture that had to be taken during the strange pandemic season.

“The team thought it was a great idea,” said Green. “The outside option still gave them the chance to laugh, tell jokes, chat and see their team all together as one.

“It actually was a fun experience and the final picture turned out excellent with Wascana Creek, the bridge, hills and trees in the background.”

Green said he’s noticed that the players and parents associated with his U12 Yeti have remained positive about the restrictions and changes that have resulted from COVID-19.

“The parents, players and coaches have really been good sports when it comes to wearing their masks,” he said. “I think everyone is just happy to be at the rink and playing the game that we all love.”



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