Ringette transcends a game on ice. It’s about leading by example and developing young athletes into community members and leaders. Supporting the Regina Food Bank is one of the ways ringette nurtures this "ringette power". The 2nd Annual Iceville Ringette Food Drive Contest will take place January 23rd and January 30th. This year, the food drive will include both Regina Ringette and Buffalo Plains Ringette communities.

For too many, fighting hunger is a very real and serious challenge. Half of those the Regina Food Bank serve are children, and a $20 donation feeds a family for a week! The Regina Ringette Association and the Buffalo Plains Ringette Association are proud to join the Regina Exhibition Association Limited and Iceville presented by SaskTel in support of the Regina Food Bank.
The top 6 teams that collect the most donations will receive a ringette-dedicated ice time at Iceville for up to 50 people per team! And since these ice times are for our ringette community only, contest winners can bring their sticks and rings! Plus, all participating teams outside the top 6 will be entered into a draw to win one of 3 more Iceville ice times. For every 5 food items or $10 donation, your team will get a point in the contest and an entry into the draw!
To participate in the contest:
Collect food and/or monetary donations for the Regina Food Bank.
Drop off your donations at the Regina Ringette office, E-1642 McDonald Street, during one of these times:
3 to 6 PM on Sunday, January 23
7 to 8 PM on Thursday, January 27
3 to 6 PM on Sunday, January 30

The Regina Food Bank appreciates the generous donations of non-perishable food, and teams are encouraged to collect the most-needed items such as:
Canned Fruit
Canned Soup/Stew
Canned Tuna/Salmon
Canned Vegetables
Pasta & Rice
Pasta Sauce
Peanut Butter
Instant Oatmeal

For monetary donations, cash or cheques made out to “Regina Food Bank" will be accepted. Teams can also donate online at https://reginafoodbank.pllenty.com/#/. For online donations, select "Ringette Food Drive" and include your team name in the comments section of the online donation form. You will receive an email receipt for online donations. Please forward your receipt to reginaringette.promo@gmail.com to get credit in the contest.
Last year's ringette food drive raised $2,130 plus 1,111 food items for the Regina Food Bank. The goal is to beat that record in 2022!
